Friday, February 25, 2011

Which Witch is it?

Hi, Wot-Ever, Do eye luk bovvered?

Well you might look bothered if you described yourself as the wrong witch.

"I am the one WHICH saw the WITCH first".


"I am the one WITCH who saw WHICH WITCH"?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There Their They're - Sorry to upset you!

Hi, Look, THERE it is over there!

It belongs to them, it is THEIR property, and if you touch it again, THEY'RE going to stick THEIR boots up your. Ah ha, I see now. (interrupting quickly).

THERE - is a place!

Their - when it is not yours and it belongs to them!

They're - is that THEY (ARE) ARE - 're - (THEY-ARE) They're.

They're going to be late!

There - Their - They're, - sorry to upset you!
